How do I create my account?
Choose one of the plans available on our homepage. You will be redirected to the Sign Up page.
Enter your personal information in the form. You will get an email to confirm your email address and set up your password.
Enter your payment information.
If you selected the PRO plan, go to My Account Page and click on 'SET UP MY GOOGLE EMAIL'. Fill in the form and please allow up to 24 hours for the membership to be activated with full access to all locations.
If you selected the BASIC or FREE plans, please go to the Account Page, and click on ' CHOOSE YOUR LOCATION(S)'. Fill in the form and please allow up to 24 hours for the membership to be activated with access to the location(s) of your choice.
How do I log into the platform and find the data inside it?
On our homepage, please use the login link to your upper right to log in. After you log in, you will be redirected to the platform where you will see the data according to your subscription. Please note that to access the data, you need to be logged into your browser with your Google account, the same one you provided us with during location selection (FREE AND BASIC) or registration (PRO).
Do I need a Google account to purchase a subscription plan?
No, you do not need an existing Google account upfront to purchase a subscription plan. You can purchase a subscription plan with your existing non-Google email address. Once you have an account you will be required to submit a Google Gmail (Email) address to your account via My Account page to access the data.
Why do I need a Google account to access the platform?
The CP Data platform utilises software created by Google and requires each user to have a Google account to access parts of the platform.
How do I access the Platform?
Navigating from the webpage. First either purchase a subscription plan or click the login button. Once logged in, click on CP Data Platform in the menu bar. Then enter your Gmail address and click on the switch account button.
Can I change my locations once I have submitted them?
No, once the locations you have chosen have been submitted they cannot be changed. To view more locations you will be required to upgrade your subscription plan.
When does the data get updated?
The Sales, leasing and Employment data is updated at the end of each month. The CAP Rate & Rate Per m2 guide is reviewed and updated every three months for each location.
Will there be more locations added in the future?
Yes, we will be expanding the locations tracked each year.
Can I use the data as my own?
No this is not permitted in the terms of agreement. However, you are allowed to use the data in publications such as social media permitted you reference CP Data as the source.
Can I export the data?
No, you cannot export the data at this time.
How are the CAP Rate and Rate Per m2 guide captured?
The CAP Rate and Rate Per m2 data is captured by our dedicated research team. This entails hours of research into each individual market on a regular three monthly basis. They then confirm their findings with ten or more commercial property agents in each location before publishing to the platform.
Why are some locations missing the CAP Rate & Rate Per m2 data?
The CP Data platform is constantly being updated each week. If there is no existing data then this location is still under review and should be updated shortly.
What is Listed Vacancy Rate?
The Listed Vacancy Rate metric is similar to vacancy rate but uses the total amount of properties that have been leased in the area as a baseline to calculate a figure expressed as a percentage. This means that the figure can be greater than 100% if there are more available properties currently for lease than ever before.
What is Listed Stock on Hand?
The Listed Stock on Hand is the percentage of properties available to purchase divided by the total amount of properties that have been leased in a location. This means that the figure can be greater than 100% if there are currently more available properties for sale than have ever been leased before.
Why does the CP Data Platform use Listed Vacancy Rate & Listed Stock on Hand?
One of the biggest dangers of investing in commercial property is vacancy. We use these metrics to allow our subscribers to understand how big a market is and how likely it is that a property will become vacant. There are quite a few reasons why this can happen which are difficult to identify in advance of purchasing an investment property. We believe adding these two metrics to our platform further armed investors and property professionals to take a closer look at a location if the figures look a bit high.
I need help with the platform/my account/payment. Who do I contact?
You can message us from inside the platform using our 'HELP DESK' in the Account Page, or send us an email to admin@commercialpropertydata.com.au
Developer log
31st of October 2021
Known issues:
The latest releases of Firefox come with a security feature that might block the platform from loading the dashboard. If you face this problem, please try another browser. We currently recommend using Google Chrome.
Some sessions will time out before loading the dashboard. It might take up to 30 seconds to load it. If it doesn't load in this time window, please click on reload or press F5.
Platform operation: When no location is selected, the platform will sum all information from the locations you have access to. Please make sure you select a location before collecting specific data.
Platform operation: The remote jobs historical chart might not work when a location is selected. If you face this issue, please de-select any locations from your dropdown list on the top right to see the data in this chart.